So far this year has been a pretty slow year for my collection. Since January I've only picked up 6 1:6 figures, with 3 more on its way. Gone were the days of toy hauls and random purchases. I choose my items wisely now. I've got plans for next year and those plans require money so I'll be slowing down on my toy collection for a while. But that doesn't mean I'll be stopping my collection nosireybob! I'll just have to be a bit more picky and less prone to seductions by Sam, heh!
So here's the last 3 remaining preorders I have for the year. Hopefully nothing good comes my way or else there goes my plans! Waaaah!!!
Kaiju No. 8 - "Hoshina’s Day Off", "KAIJU HYAKKEI" & More!
Showcased today here on TOYSREVIL is a compilation of assorted "Kaiju No.8"
things, including the trailer for a special episode titled "Hoshina’s Day
Off" ...
11 hours ago
it's good to have you back with us Armand...keep posting man!!!
and i do hope to see fantastic shots of your figures when they DO ARRIVE!!!!!
cheers bro!! and must keep posting!!!
For your info, I only saw collectors post their review on Hot Toys "Octopus" but no news heard for The Spirit. I have a feeling that Hot Toys does not make this particular figure. The toy shops in Singapore only bring in Octopus. May be you got to check with your toy shop there..
Ahah...I also got the MMSDX on my preorder list....thr goes our lunch budget! hehe...
Thanks Joshua! I'll try and post regularly now, since Ive been on a very very very long hiatus, hehe!
I still haven't gotten a chance to snap any of my new purchases but hopefully I can soon. Thanks again Joshua!
I'm kinda worried about that Des, but according to Sam from XL they are bringing in The Spirit, just don't know when yet. If this one doesn't get thru at least I can save up for the MMSDX Batman :)
Good thing you missed out on the first Joker eh Rebel? Good things do happen to those who wait :)! Looks like I have to skip a couple of lunches for this one, heh!
ah mannnnn, u guys getting the MMSDX joker??? ah mannn, why I preordered so many things lately & got no budget for the real joker
jelez aku
x pe, wait till HT announce DX batman... hopefully...
you sure you can abstain from the seduction? hahaha it's only may.... another 7 months to go..... heheh
Yeah razman, kene angkat Joker. Its a must for me hehehehe!
Byk ke ko preorder?
Hey Cheenang, I have to la bro. If I don't then mati la aku, hahahahaha!
x de la banyak. just 4 more including the much awaited batmobile... dah 1 year aku order x release2 lagi. naik tension
Oooo tu yang buat nazak tu! Batmobile! Im still deciding whether i should pick up the bat pod ke tak
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