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I am Mandalore

Armand Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Jango Fett from Medicom was the second 1:6 model I purchased with my hard earned money, and was also my first figure from Medicom. I was initially eyeing Boba Fett but the figure was out of stock so I bought Father Jango first and hoped to get my hands on Baby Fett later.

The figure looks pretty good if I do say so myself. Good paint job and the head sculpt is far better than Luke Skywalker(the head sculpt was pale and lifeless). I love the detailing and materials Medicom uses for its figures but due to the hefty price this figure carries it's really hard not to veer away from Medicom, since Sideshow's Star Wars line is pretty decent although not quite in the same league as Medicom though Sideshow is picking up the pace with the introduction of its new Prometheus body.


Disclaimer: Pictures may not be suitable for the faint-hearted. Viewer discretion is adviced.

Oh the pain! The sorrow! One of Jango's legs got decapitated during the shoot. I was posing him for a deep stance when it happened. As I picked him up to do another pose I noticed the left leg was dangling. Assuming the joint got dislocated from the socket I tried to put it back into place. After a few tries with no success, I decided to strip Fett. To my horror the joints had broke and there was no way of me putting it back together again. Looks like I have to go and get myself a Medicom body and do a little D.I.Y.

BTW, I didn't know Jango wore a white girdle underneath his outfit. Weird...


Anonymous said...

Hey buddy, sorry to see that. Medicom bodies are in fact very very lousy. When I bought Darth Vader few months ago, it was the same kind of scenario. The figure was brand new but the joint of its left arm was broken before I played it. I was damn lucky that I was able to get a replacement. My friend also broke the joint of Medicom Jack Bauer's left arm when he was doing some poses. After that incident, I just checked every joints of the body if I bought Medicom products. Seldom do posing as I am scared its joints break again.

Little Plastic Man said...

I have no idea what kind of pose u wanted to do that could result in this..Hehehehe. Poor Jango...he became disable for the sake of a good picture!! :P

Joshua said...

OH! the heartbreak!!!!!! best of luck repairing it bro...

man i would die of a heartattack if that happened to my medicom figs.

Kenny said...

OMG... my heart bleeds for you.

Armand said...

Thank you all for your condolences. I was pretty bummed when it happened but what to do? I just have to be more careful with my figures next time especially my Medicom stuff.

Desmond : I shall take your advice and do as little posing as I possibly can with my Medicoms

Adrian : It's the 3rd last picture before Fett's 911 emergency. Shouldn't risk doing any more deep stance just for a shot innit? Haha!

Joshua : Tell me about it bro. I just sat there and stared blankly at Fett for a good 5 minutes. Hopefully a little D.I.Y might do the trick. Thanks for the moral support bro!

Kenny : Much appreciated Kenny, I need all the prayers i can get to get me thru this tough times *sob*

Korndamned said...

sorry to see that your jango kena tpd aka total & permanent disability. these days, my medicom figures i'm using stand, just in case they decided to stage-dive off my shelves.

Armand said...

Thanks Korndamned, I make sure my 1:6 figs are using stands as well cos like you said you never know if the figures decide to stage dive off the shelf hahaha!